Getting Started with entrée.AP

This guide is for those distributors who have purchased and installed the entrée.AP optional add-on module for entrée Accounts Payable.


System Requirements

entrée.AP requires either entrée V3 or entrée V4 SQL


V4 Workstation Requirements

Windows 7 / Windows 8

Intel i5 or greater

4GB RAM (8 GB recommended)

1360 x 768 minimum monitor resolution

200 GB hard drive


About entrée Versions

With the release of entrée version 4 SQL in 2014 and the major differences between the menus and screens in both entrée versions 3 and 4 we have included instructions for using both versions of entrée in this guide.


To differentiate topics for each major version of entrée you will see color coded entrée V3 or entrée V4 SQL headers in the impacted topics to direct you to the correct information for your system. You will see this designation throughout this guide.


This guide will provide you with a detailed overview of the entrée.AP add-on module for the entrée system you are running.