Attach Invoice Flyer

Option allows you control whether customer's invoice gets your flyer PDF file attached to it.


The invoice you have must be a Dynamic Invoice template to have the ability to attach the flyer PDF. Contact NECS Tech Support form more information about getting a Dynamic invoice.


If you already have a Dynamic Invoice just check this option to enable your flyer to be attached to the customer's invoice.


The flyer PDF is stored in your necs_shared\01 folder, in a sub-folder called "Invoice Flyer" that you must create.



Just replace the current flyer PDF file in the "Invoice Flyer" folder when you want to change to a new flyer.


Then update your customers to enable / disable the "Attach Invoice Flyer" option.


The Invoice Flyer attachment feature works with Print Invoice, Batch Email Invoices, Print to File, and batch invoice printing.