Features in the Sales History Tab

Drag a column header here to group by that column - You can drag and drop a column header for grouping your data.

Sort - The grouping can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking the up or down gray arrow in the grouping column header.

13 Month Breakdown

Filters Section

Show my customers only - Filtering option that  is only displayed if the Salesperson is linked to other Salespeople in the Mobile Tab General Options.

Expand button



The Item Number column is has been dragged to the Drag a column header here to group by that column area and used to group the data and the + button was used to expand specific data in the grid.


13 Month Breakdown Section


One of the most useful tools to a sales department is determining trends. Through the use of these graphs, salespeople can see downward trends and can take measures to increase sales of a particular item. Management may also wish to reward salespeople for sharp upward trends in the sales of a product.

Purchasing may use trends from prior years or periods to determine purchase requirements. That is why entrée includes graphical representations of the historical data.  

It is much easier to see trends when looking at graphs and charts than looking at numbers in a table


Filters Section


Show my customers only

Sales From To - select your dates.

Show For

All Invoices



In these text boxes enter specific information you want to filter by:



Brand -







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