The company information area is used to specify the distributor's address and contact information.


The company name is hard coded for each distributor and cannot be changed from within the entrée system. If the company name is incorrect or changes, please contact NECS Technical Support for an update.



International Phone Numbers

Any new records will have the Phone Country Code value default to the Country Code of the Distributor as set in System Preferences > General Tab > Company Information sub-tab.

The Customer, Manufacturer, Warehouse, Vendor and Salesperson files have been updated to allow the entry of a phone number with the country code.

The “(xxx) xxx-xxx” standard format for phone numbers is only used when the address Country is CAN or US. For any other Country an un-formatted phone number field is deployed to provide space for the country code.

Manufacturer and Warehouse updated to add Country which defaults to the Distributor’s Country.

If the Country is blank then CAN or US will be assumed.

For Salespersons, Customers and Vendors the Country will default to the Distributor’s Country.