Mod #1025 Marcos Pizza Integration Export

Marcos Pizza Export - Corporate Integration Customer project.


Create an export utility that will allow sales data to be exported by class account for select customers. Class File Maintenance will be enhanced to allow for an account number to be assigned to each class.


entrée Folder

entrée V4: necs_shared\01\CI


Where "01" is the entrée company number.


entrée Settings

Customer File: Mark all your Marcos Corporate Integration customers for the export.

1.Go to the Customer ribbon menu click Customer.

2.Find your Marcos CIC customer.

3.Click the Miscellaneous Tab.

4.In the Export Options section check the Corporate Integration Customer option.

5.Click Apply to save.



1. Go to the Add-Ons ribbon menu click Import/Export icon.

2. Select Export Data and the entrée Export dialog will open.

3. In Export the data To select Corporate Integration.

4. Click Generate.


5. Enter your Sales From and through dates.


6. Click Generate.


7. Once the export has completed the Export Complete dialog will post with your stats.



10/12/2011: Modify to conform to new Class Account Number specifications for Marcos Pizza Distribution LLC.


1.Corrected Modification #1025 for Marcos Pizza Distribution LLC to address an issue with one of the indexes on the Item Class ("ARClass") data file which was causing the Class Detail breakout feature to not work. The original index definition made it appear that there was no data in the Class file and so the breakout feature had nothing to do.

2.Corrected Modification #1025 for Marcos Pizza Distribution LLC where the "FREIGHT" value was being reported incorrectly. This account is supposed to represent the total CASE and NON-CASE surcharge amounts but only the surcharge *rates* were being reported rather than the extended charge amounts.

3.Corrected Modification #1025 for Marcos Pizza Distribution LLC where the "Tax" amount for the line items was being recorded incorrectly. There is a separate line-item entry for the tax amount, which was correct, but the tax was also being included in the Class summary accounts as well. The calculation of the Class summary accounts has now been updated to deduct the tax amount from the item's Extended Amount.

4.Corrected Modification #1025 for Marcos Pizza Distribution LLC to address another issue where the numeric formatting in Excel was defaulting to "General". For most data values the use of this format is not a problem at all, but some of the Account ID values need to be left-padded with zeroes (i.e., "003"). The problem comes from the fact that the "General" format causes a value like "003" to be reinterpreted as simply "3". The data export process has been changed to assign the "Text" format to these columns.

5.Corrected Modification #1025 for Marcos Pizza Distribution LLC where the last invoice in the "current" Invoice Header file would always be included in the exported data.

6.Corrected Modification #1025 for Marcos Pizza Distribution LLC where the "MISC" account number was being assigned a 3-digit Customer ID with a trailing dash ("-"). In accordance with the sample document, this has been changed to report a blank account number.