Mod #1306 Special Price Import Utility

Special Price Import for Bid Price 1 or 2.




V4.2.1  Added a "Turbo Mode" option that streamlines the import process.




Imports Bid Price 1 or 2 pricing from a CSV file containing the Item Number, Customer Number and Price.


Before importing:

The Start Date and the optional End Date must be set.

You must select whether importing Bid 1 or Bid 2.


The bid prices are imported into the customer file. The imported bid prices can be accessed using the Customer > Special Pricing Tab > Bid Prices button.    


Configure & Import

1.Go to the Add-Ons ribbon menu click Import/Export.

2.Select Import Data and the entrée Import dialog will open.

3.In Import From select Special Price Import.

4.Click Generate.


5.  In the Special Price Import dialog click the Browse button to find and select the file to be imported.


6.  In Price select Bid 1 or Bid 2.


7.  Enter the Start Date and End Date for the bid price being imported.


8. Click Import Bid Prices to run the import.