Mod #1507 Enhanced Foodbuy Interface

Foodbuy Interface that using an alternate mapping of the item meta data when creating the delimited file for export.


Field Changes:

1.Pack Size/Pack (Column AN) is pulled from Average Wght.

2.Category (column BC) is pulled from Category.

3.Sub-Category ID (column BD) pulled from Group Code.

4.MPN (Column AZ) is pulled from Item Number.


Required for this mod to work: Mod #1242 - Foodbuy Sales Export. See the documentation fopr instructions on use of this interface.


Not required, but saves time by eliminating a step: Mod #1390 - Default the Foodbuy Export to use "PIPE" formatting.


entrée Folder

The export staging: necs_shared\01\Foodbuy

Where "01" is the entrée company number.




V4.5.3 Updated the Food Buy export to always send "1" in the Pack Size/Pack field, and to exclude system documents other than Invoices and Credit memos.