Mod #1508 Real Cost Import

Real Cost Import Utility


The real costs from the Excel CSV file are imported and the entrée Cost/Price Update will update the real, landed and base cost, with NO Price Changes.


CSV File Format

The first row must be the column titles

Column A is Item Number and column B is Real Cost.

The format of the Item Number column must be correct so leading zeros in item numbers will not drop off.

The format of the Real Cost data can have two or four decimal places.


entrée Folder

necs_shared\01\Cost Import\  Where "01" is the entrée company number.



1.Go to the entrée Inventory ribbon menu.

2.In the Cost/Price Utilities menu select Import Costs.

3.The Cost Import dialog opens.

4. Use the Browse tool to find and select the Import From Cost Import file located in your necs_shared\01\Cost Import\ folder.


5.  Click OK to run the import and update.


6.  When the import and update has completed the Information message will display how many records were processed.