Mod #1566 Send "M" to BFC as the Temperature Zone

Send "M" to BFC as the Temperature Zone for all items with a warehouse location beginning with the letter M.



Requires: Mod #1217 BFC Dakota Core Interface.


Related Mods:

Mod #1217 is the BFC Dakota core interface.

Mod #1230 is for BFC Dakota importing POs & export invoice pick quantities.

Mod #1231 is for exporting entrée Invoices & routes to BFC Dakota.

Mod #1366 The External Fulfillment Sub-system is automatically enabled for customers with the entrée.EDI BFC Dakota Interface.

Mod #1377 Allows users with the BFC Dakota Interface to complete Inventory Transfers in entrée V4.

Mod #1444 Adds Security Miscellaneous password option #139 Allow editing of invoices already processed by BFC Dakota

Mod #1467 BFC Dakota Interface Security Lock down.

Mod #1468 Modify BFC Dakota Interface to have "Import Invoice Pick Quantities" set as the default.