Mod #1610 Less Freight CSV File Import


Less Freight CSV file import to update Assign Routes invoices.


This will be an import via FTP that updates Route and Stop information for specified invoices in entree.


Configure the Import


1.Go to the Add-Ons ribbon menu click Import/Export icon.

2. Select Import Data and the entrée Import dialog will open.

3. Select Less Freight in the drop down menu.

4.Click Configure to enter in your FTP connection settings.




5.Enter the FTP Host, Username and Password.

6.Import Directory: The name of the directory on the FTP site where the purchase orders will be imported from.

7.File Ext:

8.Click Apply to save the configuration.

9.Close the Less Freight FTP Configuration dialog.





1.Go to the Add-Ons ribbon menu click Import/Export.

2.Select Import Data and the entrée Import dialog will open.

3.In Import From select Less Freight.

4.Click the Generate button and the import process will run automatically. A file will be imported from the Less Freight FTP server.