Mod #1633 Safeway DSD EDI

The Safeway DSD interface supports receiving purchase orders from Safeway, and Direct to Store invoicing.


The Safeway DSD EDI Import process is accessed from the entree Import utility using the “Safeway DSD Purchase Orders” and also the "Safeway DSD Delivery Receipts" options. The “Safeway DSD Purchase Orders” option imports an EDI 875 Purchase Order from Safeway DSD locations and converts it into an entrée invoice.


Once the associated invoice has been printed, it should be exported using the Export utility with the “Safeway DSD EDI” option selected. This will generate an EDI 894 invoice (Delivery/Return Base Record). Once the invoice has been exported no further edits to that invoice will be allowed.

After order delivery Safeway will generate a corresponding EDI 895 (Delivery/Return Acknowledgment or Adjustment) which can be imported via the Import "Safeway DSD Delivery Receipts" option.




Import/Export Configuration


1. Go to the Add-Ons ribbon menu click Import/Export icon.

2. Select Import Data and the entrée Import dialog will open.

3. Select Safeway DSD Purchase Orders or Safeway DSD Delivery Receipts in the drop down menu.

4.Click Configure to enter in your FTP connection settings.








5.Enter the FTP credentials supplied by Safeway when setting up your account.

6.Import Directory: Enter the name of the  directory on the FTP site where the     purchase orders will be imported from.

7.Import File Ext:   edi

8.Export Directory: The name of the directory on the FTP site where the invoices will be exported to.

9.Export File Ext:    edi

10.Click Apply



entrée Folders

The import staging: necs_shared\01\Safeway DSD\Import\

The import archive: necs_shared\01\Safeway DSD\Import\Archive\

The export staging: necs_shared\01\Safeway DSD\Export\

The export archive: necs_shared\01\Safeway DSD\Export\Archive\

xx in the above paths is a place holder for the entrée company number



entrée Configuration and Settings





Customer File Maintenance


Miscellaneous Tab, in the Export Options section


Safeway DSD Location


Checked for Safeway DSD accounts


Customer File Maintenance


Miscellaneous Tab, in the DEX Setup group



Customer Specific

Customer File Maintenance

Miscellaneous Tab, in the DEX Setup group


Location Code


Item department number

(Provided by Safeway, if not then)

Always = 901


Customer File Maintenance


Miscellaneous Tab


Type Code


Safeway 4 digit store number


System Preferences


General > Miscellaneous > DUNS + 4




Customer Specific




Files Exchanged




            Naming convention

Send/Receive Frequency


Format (edi/flat/csv)

875 Purchase Order




Configurable via Scheduling Utility entrée Import Task



894 Delivery/Return Base        Record for DSD




Configurable via Scheduling Utility entrée Export Task



895 Delivery/Return Acknowledgment or Adjustment for DSD




Configurable via Scheduling Utility entrée Import Task




Transfer Type






File Notes


894 Delivery/Return Base Record: The invoice, send the night before, or early morning to be processed and on the receiver’s tablet when the delivery is received.

894 can also be an invoice adjustment (credit document) for any changes made.

895 gets generated by Safeway.  Safeway will send an 895 for each 894 received.  It can be an acknowledgment that the DSD delivery is complete, or note any adjustments to the received items

997 acknowledgments get sent for each file received from Safeway.






1. Go to the Add-Ons ribbon menu click Import/Export icon.

2. Select Import Data and the entrée Import dialog will open.

3. Select Safeway DSD Purchase Orders or Safeway DSD Delivery Receipts from the drop down menu.

4. Click Generate.






1.Go to the Add-Ons ribbon menu click Import/Export icon.

2.Select Export Data and the entrée Export dialog will open.

3.SelectSafeway DSD Invoices from the drop down menu.

4.Click Generate.

5.Select your invoice date range.

6.Click Generate.

7. You can view the Delivery Acknowledgment Form by clicking on 895 Viewer





V4.7   Removed the read-only restriction on invoices exported to Safeway DSD  

V4.6.2 Updated the Safeway DSD EDI 894 invoice Loop Trailer to send the correct segment name.

V4.6.1 Updated to remove carriage returns in the 997 functional acknowledgment document.

V4.5.3 Updated the invoice file to send Retail Units instead of Pack Size in the G83 line item detail. Updated the Invoice Source to reference Safeway.

V4.5.2  Updated the Safeway DSD EDI so that it excludes invoice items with Ship Qty of zero from export.

V4.5.1 Updated the Safeway DSD EDI so that files will be transmitted via SFTP instead of FTPS.