Mod #1697 Frosty Acres PO Export

The Frosty Acres PO Export supports the export of Frost Acres purchase orders upon creation, revision changes, and when items are received in full or partially.

This will be handled by the export of 2 separate files. One updating Frosty Acres as a purchase order is created and or altered. One for the receival of the items from the purchase order. A purchase order will be valid for export in the PO Import file when it is created. This will be flagged so that revisions or updates to that same purchase order also export in that same file. The PO Receipt file is not created until the purchase order or any of its items are received. There will be a flag allowing for partial receivable updates to be exported in the PO Receipt file. Once a purchase order qualifies for either export it can be exported using the Export utility with the “Frosty Acres PO EDI” option selected.  The Frosty Acres PO EDI will be supported by the Scheduling Utility


Document Types for the Frosty Acres PO EDI include:

PO Import – (“Import” referencing import into the Frosty Acres system) This file usage is to track the purchase orders that are created for Frosty Ares and includes the purchase order line data. All revisions need to be exported in this file  

PO Receipt – This file is to track the receivable of the purchase order.

Both files will be in Pipe Delimited text format and Without header data.



.Export Configuration


1. Go to the Add-Ons ribbon menu click Import/Export icon.

2. Select Export Data and the entrée Export dialog will open.

3. Select Frosty Acres PO in the drop down menu.

4.Click Generate




1. The user can choose the Export Data from Date Range the options for Purchase Order and Receipt data to Frosty Acres.

2. Click Generate



Files Exchanged




Naming convention

Format (edi/flat/csv)

Purchase Order File




Purchase Order Receipt File








entrée Folders

The export staging: necs_shared\01\Frosty Acres\Export\

The export archive: necs_shared\01\Frosty Acres\Export\Archive\


Where "01" is the entrée company number.




V4.7 Added a check box to VFM labeled "Next Logistix" and exported filtered on that vendor check box.