CAT2 (CAT Squared) EDI Interface 


Imports from CAT2 to entrée. CAT2 EDI Exports from entrée to CAT2.


The entrée polling app runs continuously every x seconds checking for changes and new orders for the export and import.


When an invoice is created in entrée one record is created in CAT2IN for each item on the invoice. When an item is changed on an invoice, a new record is created in CAT2IN with a code of C (change).


The CAT2 import and export run as scheduled tasks, every few minutes, one after the other.


The export polling app takes newly scanned items from the DB. It puts those items into Cat2's and Entree's Cat2Outbox table. It sets the "applied" column to 0.


The entrée Polling app checks the Cat2Outbox table and finds rows with applied=0. It then merges those rows into the DB and sets applied=1.


The entrée Polling app is only used for importing back into entrée. It checks to see if there are any entries that need to be applied in the CAT2OUT table, and if there are, calls the method in entrée which actually imports the changes.


The exporting happens immediately, and is not on a timer. entrée writes the information to the CAT2IN table as soon as the change is made.




V4.2.1        Updated to enable scheduling through TEA.

V4.0.42 Updated the import process to add to the Quantity Shipped value from the second import. When the 1st import did not catch all of the scans for a line item, the second import will add to the quantity shipped from the first import.