Mod #997 US Foods Price Import/Update

U.S. Foods Price Import / Update process with reporting capabilities.




Related: Mod #451 US Foods Catalog Import and mod #452 US Foods Order Export.



The import only updates items with a Primary Vendor of USFO50 defined in the Inventory file.

It automates the Quick Price Change screen by plugging in the new real cost and clicking the OK button.

If you define the Min Sell Price using the dollar float or percent fields, that will update correctly. But If you just type in an arbitrary value it will not update.

This process will update costs for the linked piece item when applicable.

It updates description line 2 with the U.S. Foods item description that is found in the import file (only for the case item, not the linked piece item).

Also includes entrée Custom Modifications catalog Mod #997 Multiple Price Updates

Handles multiple price updates from a single U.S. Foods price entry. Multiple price updates occur when the same Vendor / Item Number combination is assigned to multiple entrée inventory items and U.S. Foods is identified as the "Primary Vendor" for each of these items.

If the current "Market Cost" in the Inventory is zero, it will always be updated even if the U.S. Foods price has not changed.

Always checks for the existence of an entry in the "Secondary Inventory File" ("ARInvt2") for each inventory item. Should the two inventory files get out of sync somehow this will correct the error and allow the "Description 2" value to reliably update.

Adds a fourth report to the import process which will show all entrée items which have been assigned to U.S. Foods as a vendor but which are not present in the U.S. Foods Price Update file.


Configure & Import

1.Go to the Add-Ons ribbon menu click Import/Export.

2.Select Import Data and the entrée Import dialog will open.

3.In Import From select U.S. Foods Price Import.


4. Click Generate.

5. The Open Pricing file... window will open in your necs_shared\01\USF Prices folder.

6. Select the current pricing file and click the Open button.