Electronic Order Pad Overview & Features

The Mobile App to Make Your DSRs Very Happy

The Electronic Order Pad will become the tool your DSRs (Distributor Sales Representatives) value most to get their jobs done effectively and efficiently. It is one of our top selling and popular software modules for food distributors in the history of NECS. It was created to be run on a tablet computer (such as the Apple iPad and Android) and is unlike anything your DSRs have ever experienced.  The large, high-resolution display of a tablet allows your DSRs to see their work like never before. Tablets such as the Apple iPad, are incredibly thin and light, and provide instant-on access at the press of a button so work is always at-hand. The Multi-Touch screen on the tablet is incredibly precise and responsive, which allows DSRs to work using just their fingers or a stylus, with little need for training or support. And with up to ten hours of battery life on tablets such as the Apple iPad, the Electronic Order Pad is always ready to work whenever your DSRs are. When your customers see it in action, they can't help but to be impressed as they realize your food distribution company is on the leading edge in technology.


Order Entry and much more

The Electronic Order Pad was created primarily as an order entry tool for your DSRs.  It was designed to create customer orders quickly while providing important information to increase sales volume and profit margins.


Besides order entry, it also provides for creating customer credits, exchanging messages between the office and your DSRs, defining a customer's order guides, generating reports with up to 13 months of sales history, creating quotes and managing new customer prospects.


Your DSR can view your entire product catalog, informative dashboards and their customer's open orders, short shipments, and accounts receivable with payment history. If you use our entrée.DOC software for scanning signed invoices, they can also view those as well.



How It Works

The Electronic Order Pad is a mobile application which works with our cloud based entrée.NET servers. This means the Electronic Order Pad  communicates directly with our entrée.NET system in the cloud, and in turn that cloud based system communicates with the local server in your office. This means your tablet must have Internet access to create orders, etc. This can be either WIFI or through a cell network such as Verizon with a data plan.


None of your company's precious data is stored on the device, so if the tablet is lost or stolen you are not at risk.


Also, all activity such as creating a customer order is saved on the entrée.NET cloud servers as the order is built.  Because of this, if the tablet looses wireless access or powers down suddenly, no data will be lost. The DSR will simply log back in, and complete the order exactly where they left off.




"Almost Real Time" Inventory, Costs, Pricing, AR and more

At any point while using the Electronic Order Pad (ex: viewing the Catalog, creating an order, etc.), you can double tap an item, or single tap the small image of the item in the information panel at the bottom of the screen, to view important details about that item.


Note that the item's current On Hand Quantity and Weight will be displayed as of the last time your entrée.NET server was updated. This update process happens via a scheduler utility that lives on your local entrée server. You can have inventory, costs, pricing, customer accounts receivable and other details updated in regular time frames which you define.


For example, you can define that inventory is updated every 5 minutes, which is adequate for most food distributors and provides your DSRs with an "Almost Real Time" view of key information.




