

The Messages menu option provides a means for the main office to communicate with DSRs and customers. The System Administrator must login to entrée.NET and use the Messages tab to post messages that will be received by customers and/or DSRs.

When the main office creates messages, they have the following send options:

Customers and salespeople (DSRs).

All customers or specific customers.

All salespeople or specific salespeople.

Customer 'industry' codes or specific industries.

Customer 'territory' codes or specific territories.

Note - Y Consult the entrée.NET Knowledgebase for more detailed information.


Electronic Order Pad Messages

When a new message has been posted to your device it will be displayed in bright red text so you know there are new messages.


Message Columns:


Subject - Displays the content of the message subject field.

Posted - Displays the date and time the message was posted.



Tap a message in the screen to open it.


Use the page control buttons at the bottom of the screen to page through your messages



First - View the first message.

Prev - View the previous message.

Next - View the next message.

Last - View the last message.





Tap the Close button Close-button to close the message.


