Common Screen Buttons

Back - Takes you back to the previous screen.

Save - Saves the current change.

Delete - Removes old or incorrect barcode definitions.

Refresh - Tap to update the data in the screen.

Clear - Tap to remove the current information from the text box, dialog or screen.

Cancel - Aborts the current activity without saving changes.

Hold -  Saves the current screen data for retrieval so you can come back later to complete the work. Then returns you to the main menu.


Line Item Display Control Buttons

You will find that Item Display Control buttons will be used to control the display of the items on many EWM screens. Item information from the entrée Inventory File Maintenance, Temperature Zone, Unit of Measure (UOM),  and Weight Information, are used to categorize items along with the designation of Add-On.




All - Show all items on the invoice.

Dry - Show only items with a Dry Temperature Zone.

Frozen  - Show only items with a Frozen Temperature Zone.

Refrigerated - Show only items with a Refrigerated Temperature Zone.

Cooler - Show only items with a Cooler Temperature Zone.

Add-Ons - Show only items that are invoice Add-Ons.

Case Only - Show only items with a UOM of Case.

Non-Case Only - Show only items with UOMs that are not Case.

Catchweights - Show only items with Catchweights.