The purpose of the Broker Cash Receipts screen is to let you apply commission type payments received from vendors to individual items on a sales order. The system calculates the amount due per item, which should equal the total of the check. This section will show you how to apply a broker cash receipt.



Use menu path: Accounting > Accounts Receivable > Cash Receipts > Broker Cash Receipts.


You must check System Option #82 Enable Brokerage Features to use this feature. After option #82 is enabled the features used by food brokers listed below will be active in the system.


1. You can define how much the supplier of a product will pay you to act as a food broker (based on the weight sold). After each line is entered on a Sales Order, you will be prompted to enter the Broker Commission Rate.


2. You can define how much in addition to a commission (for the licensing rights of a product) the supplier of a product will pay you to act as a food broker (based on the weight sold). After each line is entered on a Sales Order, you will be prompted to enter the Broker License Fee.


3. You can define how much in addition to a commission (for the market difference for the product) the supplier of a product will pay you to act as a food broker (based on the weight sold). After each line is entered on a Sales Order, you will be prompted to enter the Market Differential.


4. The information for the applicable features will print on the Broker Sales/Payments Report off the Accounts Receivable reports menu.