The system automatically displays any items from sales orders that receive broker commissions. You can edit the Invoice Number, Actual Weight, and Comm/LB. Columns by pressing the Enter key on a highlighted item. You can highlight items by clicking them with the mouse or using the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard.  



Ord #

This column represents the sales order number for the item to receive the brokerage commission.


Inv #

This column represents the vendors invoice number for the product


Item #

This column displays the item number you are due commission on.


Act Wgt.

Enter the actual weight purchased in this column. The weight should be printed on the vendor's invoice.



This column displays the commission rate per pound as defined on the sales order, however, this value can be edited at the time of receipt entry.


Net Due

This column displays the amount of commission due for the sales order., which is the result of the actual weight multiplied by the commission rate.


Apply Payment

You will be able to apply commission payments to an item in this column. To apply a payment highlight the desired item and press the enter key. The default amount to apply will be the net due amount or the remaining to apply amount whichever is the lesser. Of course, you will be able to override this default amount.