The receipt information area is where you tell entrée how much to apply to the current account. You can also specify whether you are applying a payment, credit memo, discount, a non-AR receipt, or a write off.




Receipt Amount

Enter the dollar amount of the receipt that you received from the vendor.


Check Number

Enter a unique check or reference number for the vendor's payment in this field. If the vendor paid you with cash you could enter "CASH" followed by the date they paid you. (e.g., CASH112414 for cash received on November 24, 2014).


It is important to enter a unique number for reporting purposes. Should the payment need to be canceled later you will need the reference number.


See the Canceling Cash Receipts topic for more information on canceling broker cash receipts.



Apply Date

This will default to today's date. It represents the date you wish the system to apply the broker cash receipt. All reports dealing with cash receipts, including Cash Receipts and Deposit Slip, are driven by this date.


Batch Number

The system will automatically assign a six-digit batch number for each batch of broker cash receipts entered. The field can be edited so that you can apply the receipt to another batch. Both the Cash Receipts report and the Deposit Slip reports can be printed by batch.


Batch Total

The total of all receipts for this batch number will display here. It is automatically updated as you apply receipts. This field is informational only and cannot be edited.