Select the types of cancellation to apply to the receipt.


This field will default to Cancel Check, which is typical used when an error occurred when entering the receipt.


The Bounced Check option is typically used when the check has been returned due to insufficient funds. If the Assess bounced check fee option is enabled, an invoice entry will be automatically created in the customer's accounts receivable file when the cash receipt is canceled.


Setting up a bounced check fee

Unfortunately most distributors at one point or another receive a check back from the bank due to insufficient funds in a customer's account. Prior to entrée version 3, applying a bounced check fee to a customer's account was typically done by manually entering a "bounced check fee" line item on an invoice. entrée version 3 now has a built-in bounced check fee feature.


The amount of the Bounced Check Fee is entered on the General tab of System Preferences. (right)




Bounced check fees will appear as a separate line item on the customer's statement. (below)