The invoice grid displays all of the invoices that have had payments applied to them for the current period, for the current customer.




By default invoices are sorted by invoice number within the invoice grid.


By enabling system option 44, the invoices can be sorted by invoice date. This feature is helpful for entrée users that choose to enter their own invoice numbers instead of letting entrée assign them.



Inv Date

This column displays the invoice date of the invoice or credit memo.


Inv #

This column displays the invoice number of the invoice or credit memo. The invoice revision letter, if applicable, will also be displayed as part of the invoice number.



This column displays the status of an invoice. The following chart defines the different codes that may be displayed.







Regular invoice, that has been printed.


Over Payments


Invoices that have not yet been printed.


Finance Charges


Credit Memos


Bounced Check



Inv. Amount

This column will display the total amount of the invoice, before any payments, refunds, credits or discounts were applied.


Amount Paid

This column will display the sum of all refunds that have been posted towards the invoice. Refunds that were applied as a credit/discount will not be included in this value.



This column will display the sum of all credits and discounts applied toward the invoice. Refunds that have been posted to an invoice as a credit/discount will appear in this column as a negative credit.


Tot Pmts

The total payments column displays the total amount of payments that have been applied to the invoice.


This value only represents monetary payments towards the invoice. Payments that were posted in the form of a credit memo or credit/discount will not be reflected in this figure.


The posting of a cash refund will reduce the total payments by the amount of the cash refund that was posted to the invoice.




This column is used to specify the dollar amount that should be posted to the invoice from the refund amount.


1.To apply a refund highlight the desired invoice and press the Enter key.  
2.entrée will then insert the default amount to apply in the column. The default amount will be the total payments amount or the remaining to apply amount whichever is the lesser.
3.Optionally adjust the refund amount and press the Enter key.




If the refund is being posted as a credit/discount this column will be titled Apply CREDIT.





This column displays the customer P.O. number as defined on the invoice.


Find Invoice

Enter the first part of the invoice number to locate in this field and the cursor will jump to the closest match. If the customer has many invoices displayed in the invoice grid, the find invoice feature can prove to be useful.