Font Selection

When assigning a font, make sure that you are using a font which is available to everyone who needs to print this invoice/loading sheet.


If you assign a font which is only available on your computer and printer then ONLY you can print the document correctly.


Whenever Windows is asked to use a font which it does not have, it will make a "best guess" and choose a replacement font which could produce incorrectly formatted print output.


Dot-matrix Printers

We recommended that you do not use this feature when printing to a dot-matrix printer. Using a font other than a native printer font will force the printer to operate in "graphics" mode which is usually slow. Dot-matrix printers often have difficulty printing some of the more stylized Windows fonts in a clear way. The capabilities of your printer may be different so feel free to experiment.


Just understand that the printed output from dot-matrix printers is usually NOT good.


Font Color

Be careful about using different colors in your font choices. When printing to a non-color print device the printer will be forced to decide whether to treat your chosen color as "black" or "white". If the printer decides to interpret your color selection as "white" then your comments will be invisible.