Select if the special prices should be copied by customer or item in this area.


Copying by Customer, will copy all of the special prices from one customer to another.


Copying by Item, will create a matching special price entry for the TO item for each customer that has a special price for the FROM item.



The following table shows the result of copying by item, with item 100 as the FROM item and item 101as the TO item.


              Item 100            Item 101              Item 101

            Special Price    Special Price    After Copy

Customer A     $10.00            $10.50         $10.50

Customer B     $11.00              n/a          $10.50

Customer C     $12.00              n/a          $10.50



If the Overwrite any existing Special Prices had been enabled, Item 101 after the copy for Customer A would have a value of 10.00