The special price adjustment area allows for the user to update the special price file for any customer that receives special pricing on the item that is being updated. This can be done automatically, adjusting the special prices by a specified dollar amount, or manually, by reviewing and/or modifying each special price individually.


Automatic adjustment

An automatic adjustment can be made to any special price, that is setup as dollar amount over cost, by entering the adjustment amount in the Adj. Special Prices field.


Special prices that are based off a percentage over cost will be adjusted simply by updating the cost of the item.


This field will default to the same suggested value as the Adj.Base cost prices field.


Manual adjustment of the Special Prices

The actual special price for each customer that receives special pricing for the item being adjusted can be reviewed and or modified in the Edit Special Prices dialog.


1.Click the Edit Special Prices button.


2.entrée will display a Reminder message box "Any Special Price changes made by this process will immediately be saved to the Special Price file. These edits will remain in effect even if the main Cost/Price Update dialog is canceled. Note: The Edit Special Prices dialog provides a way to restore the original special Prices for an item should it be necessary."


3.    Click the OK button on the Reminder message to continue to the edit special prices dialog.