A new feature impacting Credit Hold is related to the activation of System Option #169.

Located in System Preferences in System Options tab is System Option #169 “Accept orders for Credit Hold customers and queue for approval”.


Once this option is enabled you will remove the restriction in Create Invoice which would normally block the creation of an invoice for a customer who is currently on Credit Hold.


The invoice will be marked to prevent it from being processed further until someone with authority has approved it. One very important thing to recognize is that the invoice you create using this feature is a full-fledged invoice which will allocate inventory and will add to Accounts Receivable. If the customer's order has to be declined then it will be the responsibility of the person refusing the order to update the order status in the Credit Hold Queue Maintenance utility, discussed later in this topic. Otherwise that invoice will remain "in process" and "on hold" indefinitely.


There are three ways by which a customer may be placed on Credit Hold by entrée:

1. The "Credit Hold" option on their account has been enabled,

2. The customer has exceeded their "Maximum Days Old" limit or

3. The customer has exceeded their "High Credit Amount" limit.


Normally if any one of these conditions is true then entrée will refuse to accept any new orders for that customer. Enabling this option allows you to take an entirely different approach to the situation.


When you have a customer who has exceeded their "High Credit Limit" setting and you try to create an order for that customer then you will see this Credit Hold message box display "This customer has been placed on automatic Credit Hold. They have exceeded their High Credit Limit. You will be allowed to enter this order but it must be approved by a Credit Manager before it can be processed." This is just an informational message.


Once you click "OK" you will be in Create Invoice as if nothing was wrong. From here you can enter the customer's order as requested.


When saving this order you will not see the usual print options dialog box but see an Information message display "Invoice #999999 has been created. No further processing can be done until it has been approved by a Credit Manager."


As long as this order remains "on hold", you will not be able to print a Loading Sheet or an Invoice nor will you be able to enter any catchweight detail. Beyond these restrictions, this is a normal order which has allocated inventory and is reflected in your Accounts Receivable.