Many distributors sell catchweight or random weight items. When these items are sold the shipping weight for each unit needs to be entered into the entrée invoicing system to calculate the extended amount of the line item.


The weight entry process is actually done using 3 windows. The first window will assist you in locating invoices that require weight entry. The second window will show each catchweight item of the selected invoice. Finally, the third window allows you to enter the actual weights. A detailed description of each window and its controls will be described in the following sections of this chapter.




When generating a Loading Sheet, entrée will draw the proper number of lines beneath each catchweight item to record each weight value.


If system option 26 is disabled, entrée will list individual catchweights below the line item when the invoice is printed.




You will not be able to print an invoice, until the weight information has been entered into the entrée system, if system option # 46 is not enabled.