The Expiring Lots Utility is designed to review the data in the Lot File and identify items having a non-blank "Expiration Date" value.



Use menu path: Inventory > Expiring Lots.


The Expiring Lots Utility uses the current System Date and compares it to each Lot Expiration Date. Lots are categorized into one of five groups:


1.Lots which are past their defined Expiration Date
2.Lots which fall into one of three age groups which are:

a.         fixed at 30 days

b.         fixed at 60 days

c.        fixed at 90 days  

d.In the display grid the lots falling into each of the four groups mentioned in #1 and #2 are highlighted in a specific color: Red for expired, Orange for 30 days or less, Yellow for 31-60 days and Green for 61-90 days.



3.Lots with a remaining life expectancy which is beyond the 90 day category. Lots that are more than 90 days away from their Expiration Date will be shown normally.


4.To create and display a graph which summarizes the information presented in the Expiring Lots list using the Chart Data Option. entrée will only graph lots with a defined expiration date. All other lots, as well as non-lot items, are excluded from this data display.


a.Click to select between valuing the lots according Real Cost or Base Cost from the inventory item.
b.Click the Generate Chart button. The chart represents the inventory by value.


c.The graph toolbar allows the user to:


Copy or cut either the graph image itself or the underlying data.

Print the graph back on the main lot listing.

Switch between a 2D and 3D (above) representation by clicking the button.

Show or hide the legend bar.  

Users can highlight an Item/Lot combination on the list and either double-click, press the Enter key or click the "View" button to see a Lot History listing for that specific lot.


Viewing Lot History

1.Select the lot item in the list
2.Click View Lot History button
3.Click Close when done