The Future Price Global List utility allows buyers to quickly enter mass cost changes, rather than one at a time. The global method presents you with a screen (similar to the Inventory Search screen) where you can quickly move from item to item and quickly edit either the future market or base cost. The minimum sell price can also be adjusted.


The dialog has been modified to place a set of radio buttons in the lower, right-hand corner which allows actively choosing between the three available item cost values (which also has the effect of adding Real Cost as an option). Switching modes does not change any entries which have already been made unless you edit them again in the new mode.


Due to limited screen space, the layouts of the edit grid and the status area have not changed which means that both can only display the currently active cost value.




Future pricing can also be maintained in Inventory File Maintenance on the Future Price tab.


Changes made to the cost & minimum sell price of the items are held in a future price holding file. The main inventory file will not reflect these changes until the effective date of the price change is reached and the Update Future Prices utility is run.


Level pricing that is driven off from base or market cost will be automatically recalculated based upon the new cost settings when the future prices are updated.


Special prices that are driven off from base or market cost may also be recalculated based upon the new cost settings when the future prices are updated.