The General Ledger chapter only applies if you have purchased and installed entrée.GL, the optional General Ledger add-on module for entrée.


entrée's General Ledger option provides you with tight integration into your main entrée system. It gives you advanced general ledger and financial reporting, designed to meet the needs of today's food distributors. Entries can be posted to current or previous periods.


Open period posting allows you to post entries from any application to any period in a two year window in detail or summary.
Enables you to designate custom groups of accounts for budgeting and reporting purposes.
Allows you to edit, and report information from multiple companies and various periods.
Account inquiries give easy access to online information for any account, including the ability to drill down to audit source detail for any accounts payable posting.
Allow automatic setup of a default chart of accounts.


Closing General Ledger

For more information about Closing and preparations for the closing process see the Using the System Menu chapter Closing section.


Access to entrée.GL Documentation

To access the entrée.GL System Guide knowledgebase use this link


To access the entrée.GL System Guide PDF for download to your computer follow these steps.


1. In your browser go to the website and click the Support drop down menu.

2.  Click and use the Customer Login to enter the secure area of the website. In this area release upgrades are posted along with links to other support services and documentation.

3.  In the menu on the left click the System Guides option. On this web page you can access to the documentation and system guides that support our software products.

4.  Click the entrée.GL option under the "Please select a product to view documents and system guide PDFs" header.

5.  Look for the entrée.GL System Guide link in the list displayed on the right. Click the link and a new window will open in the browser for the guide. From here you can choose to browse or download the guide.