From the entrée main menu


1.Select Invoicing from the main menu.


2.Select the Invoices option.


3.Select the Enter Packer Info option. The Select Invoice dialog will open allowing you to specify which invoice you would like to enter packer information for.



4. Enter the invoice number of the invoice you wish to provide packer information for in the Invoice No. field.  


If you do not know the invoice number, click the search button to open the Invoice Search window and find a valid invoice.



You may only enter packer information for invoices that have not been transferred to history (via the Close Period Utility).


5. Click the Enter Packer Info button once you have found the invoice number.


6. The Packer Productivity Information dialog will open.


7. Fill in the fields in this dialog window as explained in the rest of this chapter.




If system option 19 is enabled, you can also enter packer productivity information for the currently loaded invoice from the Change Invoice window, by clicking the Packer Info button located on the invoice header toolbar.