The Sort By field is used to determine what order the documents should be printed in.


Invoice Number

Select this option to have the documents sorted by invoice number before sending them to the printer.


Typically this will be the order that the invoices were entered into the entrée invoicing system, however if you are manually entering invoice numbers (system option 16) this may not be the case.


Delivery Sequence

Select this option to have the documents sorted by route delivery sequence before sending them to the printer.


The route delivery sequence is determined by the truck route and stop number of each invoice.

All of the invoices for each route will be grouped together, starting with the first stop of the route and ending with the last.


Reverse Delivery Sequence

This option works identical to Delivery Sequence except the invoices are grouped starting with the last stop of the route and ending with the first.


Printing invoices using this option is useful because the first stop loaded on the truck will be the first invoice printed.




The Sort by field is not available when the Print by field is set to "Number" or when printing Sales Order documents. In these cases documents will always be printed in invoice number order.