The rest of this section will give you some useful tips if you are experiencing problems with the printed output of your invoice related documents.


Make sure the current Windows printer drivers are installed. This may mean having to download them from your printer manufacturer's website.
If your printer supports multiple emulation modes, make sure the emulation mode of the printer matches the installed Windows driver for the printer.

Enabling system option 105 can increase the printing speed on some dot-matrix printers.


Printer Configuration (located in System Preferences)

Make sure the correct printer is assigned to both the Invoices and Loading Sheet fields.

If no printer or an incorrect printer is installed, assign a printer by clicking on the drop-down button to the right of the text box and selecting one from the drop down list box. All of the printers that are installed in Windows will appear in the drop down list box.

Configure the printer for use with entrée by clicking the Configure >> button.




Laser and ink jet printer are by design, more graphical intensive than a dot matrix style printer. Because of these printers graphical nature, Windows prefers to use proportional fonts when printing to these devices. When proportional fonts are used, Windows will adjust the print area for each character based on its size.


The letter W may use 50 dots of space whereas the letter I may only use 12 dots.



Dot Matrix Configuration

1.Select Dot Matrix in the printer type field.


2.Set the "Standard" Font to a font name containing 10cpi.

Click the drop-down button in each of the Font Name edit boxes and select a font that is a fixed width device font.

For dot matrix printers, these fonts usually, but not always, have a number such as 10, 12, or 17cpi at the end of the font name.

If you are having trouble determining a fixed width font consult your printer documentation or the manufacturers web site.


3.Set the "Narrow" Font to a font name containing 12cpi.


4.Set the "Compressed" Font to a font name containing 17cpi.


5.Set the Line Spacing value to 6 for each of the font fields.


Laser / Ink Jet Configuration

1.Select Laser, Ink Jet, etc. in the printer type field.


2.In the "Standard" Font area...


Set the Font Name to Courier New.

Set the Font Size to 12.

Set the Character Spacing to Fixed.


3.Repeat the step 2 for the "Narrow" Font area, changing the Font Size value to 10.


4.Repeat the step 2 for the "Compressed" Font area, changing the Font Size value to 7.




You must completely exit out of entrée before entrée will recognize any newly installed printers.