The return information is where you will enter the key information about the return.


Lot Number

If the item that is being returned is Tracked by Lot, entrée will require a valid lot number to be entered before proceeding with the return. If the lot number is not known, the lot search screen can be invoked by clicking the search button.



Only if you have purchased and installed the entrée.EWM (Electronic Warehouse Manager) add-on module the Whse field will be displayed in the Inventory Returns screen. The warehouse search screen can be invoked by clicking the search button.




This field is used to attach a reference to the inventory return.


Up to 20 characters may be entered for the reference.

The reference can be optionally printed on many of the inventory based reports.


Date Returned

Enter the date of the transaction in this field. entrée will load the current system date as a default value.


Real Cost

Enter the real cost of the product that is being returned in this field. entrée will load the current real cost as defined in the inventory file as a default value for this field.


The real cost in the inventory file may not be the same as the last cost from the vendor.



Qty Returned

Enter the total number of units to be removed from inventory in this field.


The quantity returned field will be used to specify the item weight to return when returning items that have a unit of measure set to LB..


Wgt Returned

If the item to be returned is a catchweight item, the weight being returned will have to be entered in this field. If the item to be returned is not a catchweight item, this field will be disabled.


Drop Ship

Drop shipped returns are not removed from the on hand quantities and weights in the inventory file, but a record of the transaction is recorded for accountability purposes.