The lot tracking abilities of entrée is very thorough. One of the features of the entrée lot system allows you to track your specific warehouse locations. Whether you have assigned slots or bin locations to each storage area of your warehouse, or you store your product in multiple warehouses, the lot tracking system always knows the location of each lot.


The purpose of the lot warehouse locations file is to allow you to assign a reference description for each specific location in your warehouse. Once you have defined the reference description, you can see which product is stored in the location and how much. Obviously, only items that have the Track by Lot option checked on the Inventory Tab in Inventory File Maintenance can be assigned to a lot warehouse location.


By establishing lot warehouse locations in entrée, you will be able to take advantage of the Warehouse Location report. This report displays a detailed breakdown of where every lot item should be located in the warehouse and provides a useful tool to see where your items are stored.


Besides having standard or main locations where items are normally stored, some distributors assign "overflow" areas. These overflow areas are locations within the warehouse where product that cannot fit into the main location is stored.


If a main location could only hold five pallets, but because of a special pricing arrangement you purchase twelve pallets, the overflow of seven pallets would have to be stored in an alternate location. The Warehouse Location report will allow you to immediately see how much of an item is in the main location and how much is stored in overflow locations.