The edit special prices dialog is used to review/edit each special price that is defined for the item that is being updated. Every customer that receives a special price will be loaded into the Customer Listing Grid. The grid displays the customer name and number as well as the last date they purchased the item, the percent over cost they are paying and the old and the current value of the new price.


Only customers that receive an actual special price are listed in the grid by default. Enabling the Show zero-price customers option will load any customer that has the item in their standard order file, but does not receive special pricing.



Clicking the OK button immediately updates the special price file with the values of the New Price column, even if nothing was manually changed.


Clicking the Cancel button will return the user to the Item Cost/Price Update dialog without saving any of the changed values to the special price file.


Modifying a New Price value

1.Select the new price value to modify and press the Enter key.


2.Key in the desired special price and press the Enter key.


Resetting the Customer Listing Grid

The values of the New Price column can be recalculated at any time, either to their default values or to the current values of the special price file.


1.Click the Reset all prices button. This will open the Reset Special Prices dialog.


2a.Select the Restore prices from BEFORE application of cost changes option to set the new price column to match the Old Price column.

- or -


2b.Select the Reverse manual edits from this session only option to restore the default suggested values after the cost change is applied.


3.Click the OK button.