When the purchase order is received, entrée will compare the new cost of each the item to the current real cost of the item. If there are any items that have a changed new cost, cost and/or prices may be updated during the receipt process. The user must select the update method, that entrée will use when cost changes are encountered, before processing the receipt.


1.Click the drop down button next to the Apply cost changes field to display a list of available update methods.


2.Select the desired update method from this list.



Cost only - AVERAGE method

Cost only - NEW method

Cost and Price - AVERAGE method

COST and PRICE - NEW method

Manually update Cost and Price

No Cost or Price updates




In version 3.6.20a the user has the option to save default settings in the new Cost/Price Update tab in the Personal Settings Tab of System Preferences for the "Automatic Cost/Price Update Options" dialog.


Automatic Cost/Price Update Options will know how the secondary updates should be handled and will respect the defaults of "Ask me" in the user's Personal Settings Cost/Price Update defaults. The "Ask me" setting is intended to purposely prompt you on each receipt for how it should apply that value.


This system change now requires entrée users to do one of the following:


1.   Each user who does receiving will need to set Cost/Price Update defaults in the Personal Settings Tab of System Preferences.


2.   The users without default Cost/Price Update settings will be required to specify the handling of several of the update options each time they use the utility.


The user must supply a cost-change application method. If this field is left blank, an Error message will be displayed when the Continue button is clicked.