Acquire Postings / Allow Release from AR

If this field is checked entrée will acquire postings from Accounts Receivable and will allow the release of those postings.




Start Date

The oldest date for which unreleased AR postings will be acquired. The default is the date of the oldest unreleased AR posting.


End Date

The most recent date for which unreleased AR postings will be acquired. The default is the system date This date must be greater than or equal to the start date.


Calculate costs using

Real Cost is the adjusted real cost excluding any freight charges you may incur.

Base Cost which includes freight charges and cost markup.

Landed Cost is the total of Real + Freight.

Market Cost represents the cost of a commodity product as determined by a market. Market cost represents the going rate for the item, not necessarily the actual cost of the item.



The options for the “Calculate costs using” were enhanced in version 3.6.13 to add Market Cost and Landed Cost.


This change will provide you with more flexibility and the ability to match the cost type used in the entrée Inventory file.


See the Inventory File Maintenance Cost Tab, for more information.