Because some companies that use the entrée system deal with imported products or ship overseas, you can optionally enter catchweights using kilograms instead of pounds. Before weights are entered for an item, the Select Weight System dialog will be displayed. If the Kilos button is clicked, entrée will convert the kilogram weight values to the equivalent number of pounds using the 2.20462262 factor (modified in entrée version 3.6.7). This more precise value will produce more accurate results for you.


To activate this feature you must first enable system option 59.

After doing so, users will be presented with the prompt to the right each time they attempt to enter weights for an item.

When the invoice is printed, the weights will show properly as kilos or pounds.


IMPORTANT: For distributors using our entrée.UPC bar code scanning system, make sure that you update entrée.UPC and entrée at the same time to avoid issues which could result from the two applications using different metric conversion factors.