Normally the "prevent oversell" features in entrée only work off of "available inventory", meaning the inventory that is currently on hand plus the quantities expected on any Purchase Orders that are due on or before the scheduled delivery date of the invoice. This option allows the prevent oversell features to accept an order quantity if the invoice is due sooner than the invoice to which the inventory is currently allocated. (Although it still will not accept a quantity that exceeds the total inventory available on the specified delivery date.)


Allowing this reallocation to take place will allow your inventory on the affected item to go negative.

Use of this feature presumes that you will monitor your inventory for negative quantities and obtain new product to replace the quantity that was reallocated. Otherwise the order to which the product was originally allocated will have to be shipped short.

Supports orders imported from entrée.NET online ordering system.


It is recommended that this option only be enabled by distributors who are:


1.Prepared to monitor their inventory for shortages that result from product re-allocations.




2.Are in a position to replace reallocated product in a timely manner, since "prevent oversell" will reallocate product even if the original order is due only one day later than the new order that actually gets the product.


If system option 126 is disabled the reallocation feature will ignore ALL product allocated to Sales Orders and instead will use that product to fill actual invoices.