146. Sort and sub-total Loading Sheet by 'Category'    

Impacts the processing of Loading Sheets.


The "Category" field value is added to an Item by a business to allow for a more in-house oriented organization of their Items. Category is used as a sub-class for sorting and sub-totaling in entrée. The Category field of an Item is located on the "Misc 1" page of Inventory File Maintenance, below "Description 4". The Category field has a length of 20 characters.


Items on the Loading Sheet will be grouped and sub-totaled according to the contents of this field which allows Loading Sheets to be organized using any arbitrary value. Except for a blank value, the value of the "Category" field will be printed as a heading for each group of items.


Note 1: When choosing to use these features disable any other special sorting features for that document.

In our own testing we identified conflicts between: System Option #146 and System Option #54 - "Sort Loading Sheet by Temperature Zone".


Note 2: It is likely that there are other option combinations we have not yet considered which would also conflict with one of these new options. If you wish to use one or both of these features and there are problems with the output please review your System Option settings.