171. Calculate Gross Profit in Invoicing and Inventory Maint. using Landed Cost

When checked will change the calculation of Gross Profit in Invoicing to be based off of Landed Cost rather than Base Cost.


This option has been expanded so that it also controls the calculation of the "Margin %" column on the "Cost/Price" tab of Inventory File Maintenance.


In release 3.6.28 this option was updated so the process to supply the data required to support System Option #171 - "Use Landed Cost for GP Calculations in Invoicing" and System Option #180 - "Deduct bill backs when calculating GP" features which were introduced in the entrée.NET and the Electronic Order Pad v3.4.1.


 Prior to the "3.5.15" release of entrée this option setting was titled "Calculate Gross Profit in Create/Change Invoice using Landed Cost" and only applied to Invoicing.