The Broker name, address, and contact information may be entered in this area.


The Broker information may optionally be printed on the Vendor Listing, Buyer's Stock Status, and the PO Order Guide reports.


Enter up to 35 characters in the Name field.


Enter up to 30 characters in each of the Address fields.


Enter up to 20 characters in the City field.


Enter the 2 character abbreviation for the state in the State field.


Enter up to 10 characters in the Zip field.


Enter up to 20 characters in the Contact field.



Dot Vendor

Check the Dot Vendor box if the Broker is a Dot Foods broker.


This option will only display if you have purchased and installed entrée.DOT, the Dot Foods interface for entrée.


* Dot Foods is a registered trademark of Dot Foods, Inc.