entrée.UPC Mod #5 Identify Items with Shared Identity

Use the active document in Receiving/Invoicing to identify items which have been purposely configured with shared identity information (e.g., a single vendor item which you sell both frozen and refrigerated).


Since the original vendor bar code label cannot distinguish between the product that you froze and the product that you refrigerated, the items present on the active Purchase Order or Invoice are examined to determine which product identity should be used for a given scan (the frozen item or the refrigerated item).


When using this feature the various utilities outside of Receiving and Invoicing, such as "Count" or "Identify", will not work for these items because there is no document to act as "tie breaker" between the possible product identities.


When scanning these "multiple identity" items outside of Receiving or Invoicing entrée.UPC will return a "cannot identify item" error.