entrée.UPC Mod #8 Scan for Relabel Utility

Scan for Relabel Utility


Located in the UPC  "Inventory" menu this utility collects scanned data and generates a CSV file containing that data.



1.Adds a prompt at the start or end of the scan process for "new Item Number" which will be the Item Number the product will be transferred to.

2.The CSV file will include the column headers in the first row.

3.The CSV file will be a dump of the scan data.


 The original Item Number of the items will be written as "OldItemNum" and the "new Item Number" specified by the UPC terminal operator will be recorded as "ItemNum".


Requires: entrée V4 Mod #1509 which performs the inventory transfers of the scanned inventory from the old item numbers to the new item numbers.


Based on entrée.UPC Mod #3 Offline Count Feature