Mod #1029 Display / Activate Inactive Items

Changes the Purchasing and Transfer systems so that inactive items are displayed in the search screens.


If an inactive item is selected, the operator will be prompted to optionally activate the item.


In Purchasing this feature allows inactive items to be added to the Purchase Order even if the operator chooses not to reactivate the item.


V3.6.22 Oct 2013

If an inactive item is selected for addition to a Purchase Order or a Transfer the operator will be prompted to activate the item.


Purchasing has been changed to allow inactive items to be added to Purchase Orders even if the operator declines to make the item active.


Lastly, this modification has been extended to provide the the item-activation option in Physical Adjustments by Item.


Note, however, that Physical Adjustment by Item process does *not* prevent the entry of adjustments for "Inactive" items so even if the operator chooses not to activate the item an adjustment entry may still be made.