Mod #1126 Print Item UPC on Descrip Line 2

Change the way the item description prints on an invoice to include the item's UPC code as part of the Description line 2 for select customers.

This feature can be enabled on a per-customer basis by activating the "Print Item UPC code on description line 2" option on the "Miscellaneous 1" tab of Customer File Maintenance.

The UPC Number will be printed as a third line of item description if the item's Description 2 value is not blank.



Version 3.6.17

Revised so that the UPC Number will be printed as a third line of item description if the item's Description 2 value is not blank. Previously this modification simply appended the UPC Number to the second description line, but if the existing text was long enough it would cause the end of the UPC Number to be clipped off.