Mod #1156 Type EU Invoice

Changes to the layout of the Type EU Invoice:


1) Have the Customer Number defined in the "Cust No." field on the invoice.

2) "Billing Units" column has been replaced with "Piece Price".

3) The title of the "Price" column has been changed to "Unit Price" (on two lines).

4) The position of the Sales Tax total has been aligned to the left side of the Description column.

5) In the page heading the "HST#" has been moved just under the Company heading.

6) In the footer area a line has been added just to the right of the disclaimer text showing "Pallets In" and "Pallets Out" fill-in blanks.


V3.6.22 Oct 2013 - The width of the "Piece Price" and "Unit Price" columns have been adjusted to accommodate up to 6 digits of data (maximum value of 9999.99).