Mod #1199 Supplemental PO Costs

Version 4.0.5 & 3.6.26 - Changes how the averaging of Supplemental Purchase Order costs are handled in Receive by Purchase Order.


The normal behavior of the Receive process is that if the "Freight" field is currently "unlocked" and a Purchase Order is received which has no attached supplements then the original "Freight" value is simply retained "as is".

This modification changes that process so the existing "Freight" value will be averaged as normal with the incoming inventory being valued with a cost of zero.


V4.0.33 Updated so when an item has zero inventory currently on hand when receiving it on a Purchase Order, the "Freight" value of the item will be set to the Supplemental Cost of the incoming receipt.

The normal behavior of the Supplemental Purchase Order system in this situation is to preserve the existing "Freight" value.