Mod #1277 Purchase Order Layout Add fill-in blank for Lot Number

Modifies the layout of the printed Purchase Order as follows:


1. Replace the "Weight Ordered" column with "Quantity Received"

2. Replace "UOM" with "Pack".

3. The second output line has been reduced to only show "Our Item Number" and "Warehouse Location". For lot-based items only, a third line will be printed with a fill-in blank for Lot Number.

4. The Purchase Order line items will sort in order by Warehouse Location and then Item Number.

5. The list of Supplemental Purchase Orders (if any) will generate a total of all the supplements and this total will be printed in the "Extended Cost" column next to the last Supplemental Purchase Order in the list.

6. When a Purchase Order is "printed" for the first time (meaning printed, faxed or emailed), a "Purchase Order Terms" document will be printed at the end of the Purchase Order.


The content of this document is specified by the "POTerms.rtf" file located in the company "shared data" folder (e.g., "\\MyServer\SharedData\01" for Company 01) and should be in "rich text" format (which allows for some minimal formatting like underlining, bolding, etc.).


Once the Purchase Order has been printed then the "Terms" document will not be printed for that Purchase Order again.